Perfectly Imperfect: Writing vs Editing

I am starting out the new year with a great deal of determination. Let’s see how far it goes. I have a lot of what most people would call new years resolutions. I personally think of them as short term goals on my way towards my life long goals.

One of my life long goals has been to publish a book that I have written. For a long time I felt that it might just be one of those impossible dreams. Kind of like the tone deaf person who can’t carry a tune wanting to be a pop star. I could come up with story ideas but couldn’t seem to execute them. 

Then I found Nanowrimo and learned that I could execute them by giving myself permission to write crap along the way and not try to be perfect first time out. That resonated with me since I have struggled with a need for perfection and the disappointment of failing to achieve that in my life. Thanks to Nanowrimo, I have learned to unleash the creative side and write what I feel, hear and see my characters doing. It’s a wonderful feeling. 

I just need to find a version of Nano that can do the same for me when it comes to editing. Because this year my goal is to take notes on stories ideas instead of writing them since I will be super busy editing my books. I have five of them written and in various states. One of them I have started to edit.  

I did discover a really cool writing program and I am going to be transferring my stories into it. It breaks everything down into chapters and scenes. I think if I break things down into smaller bites it will be easier to handle and not so discouraging. 

Well its time to go pay for the no longer free version of my new writing program while I can get a discount. Then its writing time, I mean editing time for me. I’m not even going to take the time to edit this post.

Happy Writing!